The UCL PRES (Postgraduate Research Experience Survey) will run this year from 18 February to 12 April. On the launch day the Doctoral School will email each research student a unique link to take them directly to the survey.
The survey is the chance for our research student community to provide us with feedback on their experience. We need to know what postgraduate researchers think so we can address issues and keep doing what is valued.
We encourage everyone to give us their views: the more responses, the more meaningful the data and the more poweful the argument for changing things where they need to be changed. The survey is confidential and the results are made anonymous so that no individual can be identified.
2019 is the third time that UCL has run the national PRES survey.
View → UCL PRES 2017 Results & Post PRES Actions.
For further information, please see the FAQs.
PRES is a national survey, co-ordinated by the national body for improving teaching and learning in Universities, the AdvanceHE. The results will allow UCL to benchmark against the wider HE sector.
The survey is carried out at UCL by the Doctoral School and the questionnaire hosted online by Jisc. On the launch date all research postgraduate students will receive an email from the Doctoral School asking them to complete the survey. Staff will also be sent information to assist them in raising the profile of the survey.
Any students not completing the survey within the first couple of weeks will receive further reminders. Faculties will also receive updates on the response rate in their Faculty. The survey will close on Friday 12 April.
The survey questions are broken down into the following areas:
Within these categories, students are asked to agree or disagree (on a scale of one to five) with statements, or indicate how often a learning style or behaviour is encouraged.
Please see an overview of the questions used in PRES 2019.
The national aggregated results will be published by the AdvanceHE. UCL will also be provided with our own results. These will be analysed and published on this website. From there they will discussed by Research Degrees Committee and with the various stakeholders (for example UCL's Faculties, the UCL Student Union) to identify and implement an action plan for the coming period. We will look both at the areas which we are getting right and the areas for improvement; all reporting will be directed towards enhancing the environment and practice.