Research Integrity

Everyone engaged with research has a duty to consider how their work impacts on society and on the wider research community. As an integral part of UCL's leadership role in the advancement, dissemination and application of knowledge, UCL seeks to ensure that all of its academic research is underpinned by the highest standards of rigour and integrity.

It is a fundamental part of the training of research students to ensure that their research is conducted, and the results of the research disseminated, honestly, accurately and in accordance with professional standards. Acting professionally in research covers a range of professional knowledge and behaviours including awareness of: health and safety; research ethics and approval processes; legal requirements; IPR and copyright; respect and confidentiality; attribution and co-authorship; citation/referencing and the avoidance of plagiarism; collaboration and giving due credit to collaborators; respect for equality and diversity; public engagement and global citizenship; principles of responsible innovation; as well as a thorough knowledge of the principles of professional conduct and appropriate practice in the discipline.

Supervisory Teams and other specialists at UCL assist students in gaining the knowledge and confidence needed for their particular project and future aspirations. All researchers need to keep up to date with the latest standards throughout their research careers.

OVPR Research Integrity Website

UCL's Office of the Vice-Provost Research has created a suite of webpages that act as a hub for all researchers providing information on research integrity. There you will find UCL's Code of Conduct for Research and UCL's Statement for Research Integrity – all researchers at UCL are expected to read and abide by the principles they contain.

The webpages also link to important related policies for researchers, for example UCL's Student IPR Policy; Open Access Policy; and information on research data management.

You will also find information on Research Ethics and the process of applying for research ethics approval for your project.

Finally, the pages also offer information on research integrity training.