The Society for Comparative Cultural Inquiry
The Society for Comparative Cultural Inquiry is a graduate society is open to graduate students in UCL whose research falls within the remit of the School of European Language, Culture, and Society and the Centre for Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry, or any graduate student working in the Arts & Humanities whose subject area encompasses any area of cultural, literary, artistic, or social studies from across the world, and in which there is a interdisciplinary, intermedial, or intercultural focus.
The purpose of this society is to support and promote all research activity undertaken in the School through supporting research events put on by SELCS and CMII and encouraging graduates to become involved in the larger research community.
The society meets during term time in a fortnightly Seminar Group where a graduate student presents an aspect of their work and holds it open for discussion. The Seminar Group is an ideal way for students to meet each other, present and discuss their research in an informal setting, and gather feedback from their peers. The Seminar Group is sponsored by FIGS, and wine and nibbles accompany every meeting.
The society also runs an annual conference which attracts an international cast of speakers and participants; students from the society are invited to join the organising committee, speak at or attend this conference. Our last conference Belonging and Transgression was held at UCL on 23 & 24 June 2016
The Society also runs and publishes a journal, entitled "Tropos". Graduate students working in these areas are invited to send in proposals for papers or join the editing committee.
To keep up with us and our events, visit our website, , email us to join our mailing list:, or follow us on Twitter @CultureInqUCL