Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) Society
This society brings together research students and staff to explore their thinking and work around CHAT and associated approaches (e.g. socio-cultural psychology). The focus of CHAT is on cultural mediation and the ways in which human activity unfolds between actors (subjects) and their tools (both material and conceptual) in order to fulfil human needs and change aspects of the world around them (objects of activity). During our meetings we explore the implications of CHAT for a diverse range of research fields including but not restricted to education, workplace practice, science and technology, critical pedagogy, and cognitive sciences.
The society meets fortnightly during term time. Participants are be encouraged to select a paper related to their academic research interest and discuss it with the group or to receive comments on their own work. The group also regularly invites guest speakers from other institutions from the UK and internationally. Information about the upcoming sessions is on the website →
Contact: Jelena Popov