

Mr David Griffiths, Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering

Ardara River Swirl

Two cows drinking out of a peat contaminated river running over sand flats. The image was taking from a drone whilst capturing imagery to create 3D reconstruction of the adjacent sand dunes.

Produced: Photograph

The judges were unanimous in selecting this image, that we thought really fulfilled the brief of the competition. What we thought was amazing about this was that it doesn't look like a photo, but a medical, microscopic, or material image... and so through viewing this image the perspective of the viewer is transformed, aided by its description which leads us to reinterpret it. It also articulates its research subject well, and is an amazing example of how technology is advancing our research, while at the same time depicting a timeless image of a landscape and animals.

— Dr Beth Munro, member of the juding panel, on the winning image


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