“Research Images as Art / Art Images as Research”

Cross-Disciplinary Competition/Exhibition 2017/18

The Doctoral School would like to thank everyone for entering our competition and for contributing towards what was an excellent exhibition – we've had very good feedback and certainly had fun organising the event.

We are pleased that so many of you were inspired to submit images of (or from) your research. There was real diversity in your subjects and representation across different disciplines of research, which of course, reflects the high quality of research being undertaken at UCL. As judges, we were, in particular, looking for images that were not only artistically accomplished and aesthetically interesting, but also communicated something about your research findings or process that would transform the way a viewer could understand your discipline or research area, or indeed their view of the world.

— Dr Beth Munro, Institute of Making, member of the judging panel


First Prize (£400)

First Prize
Mr David Griffiths, Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering
Ardara River Swirl

Runners-Up (£200 each)

Miss Raffaella Fryer-Moreira, Anthropology
Karitiana Man


Mr Daniel Avilan, Bartlett School of Architecture
Dr Helene Burningham, Geography
Mr Robert Malinowski, Chemistry
Bacterial Cities
Mr Gilles Rainer, Computer Science
Digital Still Life
Mr Filip Wieckowski, Geography
Green Seas · Pink Seas · Yellow Seas

Honourable Mention


People's Choice Prize Winner & Honbourable Mention
Mr Mehmet Davrandi, Eastman Dental Institute
Tree of life
Honourable Mention
Mr Matteo Mauro, The Bartlett
I too was in Arcadia
Honourable Mention
Miss Naomi Rubbra, Bartlett School of Architecture
Field Research – The Quadrant Method
Honourable Mention
Mr Joseph Boon, Slade School of Fine Art
First Step to Tanning

The People's Choice Prize (£100 Book Voucher)

People's Choice Prize Winner & Honbourable Mention
Mr Mehmet Davrandi, Eastman Dental Institute
Tree of life



Online gallery 2017/18


The Doctoral School would also like to thank the following for acting as judges for this year's competition:

  • Ben Colvill, UCL Doctoral School
  • Dr Richard Freeman, IOE Psychology & Human Development
  • Dr Beth Munro, Institute of Making
  • Tom Quick, Division of Surgery & Interventional Science
  • Professor Sophie Scott, Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences
  • Dr Ruth Siddall, VP Education / Earth Sciences
  • Dr Duncan Smith, Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA)


Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact docschoolweb@ucl.ac.uk.