UCL Doctoral School Research Poster Competition 2018

Research Poster Competition 2018

On 5th and 6th March, we ran a research poster competition which offered graduate students an opportunity to meet, advertise and discuss the innovative research they are undertaking, thereby providing them with an opportunity to raise the profile of their research.

The competition, originally scheduled for February had to be postponed then. Sadly, after changing the dates there was a large drop in the number of participants. Overall 210 registered for this year's competition, although only 96 students finally participated in the competition in June.

Thanks to all the students who entered.


Arts & Humanities, Institute of Education, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Mrs Denise Quiroz Martinez IOE Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment
"Creating pedagogies for sustainability in Chile through chemistry education"

Runners-up (£100)

Miss Brenda Hayanga IOE Social Science
"The efficacy of social isolation and loneliness interventions for older Black and Minority Ethnic people living in the UK"

Ms Alessandra Palange IOE Curriculum, Pedagogy & Assessment
"Research process: Citizenship in Islamic online education"

Miss Yee Ni Tse IOE Culture, Communication and Media
"The role and effect of graded music examinations in Hong Kong instrumental teaching and learning: Positive or Negative?"

Brain Sciences & Life Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Miss Katrina Dick Institute of Neurology
"Factors Influencing the Age at Symptom Onset in Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia"

Runners-up (£100 each)

Mr Davide Cassani MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology
"Unveil actomyosin cortex architecture: Insights from cryoelectron tomography of actomyosin cortex in isolated blebs"

Miss Candela Sánchez Bellot Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology
"In vitro modelling of the aniridic corneal stroma

Miss Ying Hou Division of Biosciences
"Investigating surface adhesion factors affecting Streptococcus pneumoniae pathogenesis"

Built Environment, Engineering Sciences, Mathematical & Physical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Mr Alexandru Senciuc Bartlett School of Architecture
"Collective Intelligence in Strategic Health Planning"

Runners-up (£100 each)

Mr Po Nien Chen Bartlett School of Architecture
"The Impact of a New Public Transport System on Neighbourhoods Surrounding the Stations: The Case of the Jubilee Line Extension and Dockland Light Railway in London"

M Thao Le Physics & Astronomy
"Strong Quantum Darwinism and the quantum-to-classical transition"

Mr Domenico Macri Chemical Engineering
"Defluidization of Industrial Reactive Powders: X-Ray images analysis"

Medical Sciences & Population Health Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Miss Sarah Dib GOS Institute of Child Health
"The influence of hospital practices and family support on breastfeeding duration, adverse events, and postnatal depression among first-time mothers in Malaysia"

Runners-up (£100 each)

Ms Sarah Lewis Division of Surgery and Interventional Sciences
"Ischaemic Exosomes impair Muscle Regeneration"

Miss Christina Picken Institute of Cardiovascular Science
"Novel approaches to target prostacyclin therapy to the lung"

Miss Ilona Swiatkowska Research Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Sciences
"Is Carcinogenic Chromium Found in Organs of Total Joint Arthroplasty (TJA) Patients?"


The Doctoral School would like to thank the following who acted as judges:

Arts & Humanities, Institute of Education, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

– Dr Helen Bennion, Dept of Geography (Chair)
– Dr Denise Hawkes, IOE Centre for Doctoral Education
– Dr Rachel Morley, School of Slavonic and Eastern Eauropean Studies

Built Environment, Engineering Sciences,
Mathematical & Physical Sciences

– Prof. Tom Fearn, Dept of Statistical Sciences (Chair)
– Dr Christian Boehmer, Dept of Mathematics
– Dr Denise Gorse, Dept of Computer Science
– Prof. Jonathan Hill, Bartlett School of Architecture
– Dr Aris Pantelias, The Bartlett School of Construction & Project Management
– Prof. Lazaros Papageorgiou, Dept of Chemical Engineering


Brain Sciences & Life Sciences

– Dr Sally Dawson (Chair), Ear Institute
– Dr Afia K Ali, Division of Psychiatry
– Prof. Valerie Curran, Dept of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology
– Dr Jasmina Jovanovic, School of Pharmacy

Medical Sciences & Population Health Sciences

– Prof. Vivek Mudera (Chair), Division of Surgery & Interventional Sciences
– Dr Andrew Copas, Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology
– Prof. Tim McHugh, Division of Medicine
– Dr Jill Norman, Division of Medicine
– Dr Sioban SenGupta, Institute of Women's Health