UCL Doctoral School Research Poster Competition 2017

Research Poster Competition 2017

On 7th and 8th March, we ran a Research Poster Competition which offered graduate students an opportunity to meet, advertise and discuss the innovative research they are undertaking, thereby providing them with an opportunity to raise the profile of their research.

The exhibition attracted interest among academics and other graduate students. Entries were displayed in the North & South Cloisters.

Overall 209 registered for this year's competition, although only 135 students finally participated in the competition.

Thanks to all the students who entered.


Arts & Humanities, Institute of Education, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Miss Hanna Sosnowska, Institute of Archaeology
"Socio-economic Implications of Lithics in the Late Prehistory of Iraqi Kurdistan"

Runners-up (£100)

Miss Alexandra Bulat, School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)
"Attitudes towards EU migrants in the UK"

Miss Sandra El Gemayel, IOE Learning and Leadership
"The Impact of Armed Conflict and Displacement on the Play of Young Iraqi and Syrian Child Refugees in Lebanon"

Medical Sciences & Population Health Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Miss Aziza Khabbush, GOS Institute of Child Health
"Differential Oxidation of Octanoic and Decanoic Acid in Neuronal Cells: Potential Mechanistic Insights into the MCT Ketogenic Diet"

Runners-up (£100 each)

Dr Suk Cheng, Div of Surgery and Interventional Sciences
"Prevalence of Carotid Artery Stenosis in Patients with Transient Ischaemic Attack or Ischaemic Stroke: a Large Prospective Case Series, Systematic Review and Metaregression Analysis')"

Mr Ben Jevans, GOS Institute of Child Health
"Going with your gut: use of enteric nervous system stem cells for spinal cord injury repair"

Ms Jeanne Wolstencroft, GOS Institute of Child Health
"Inheritance Matters: Behavioural and Emotional difficulties in Intellectual Disability associated with Copy Number Variants"

Miss Anwen Brown, Division of Medicine
"Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency: A Worm's Eye View"

Built Environment, Engineering Sciences, Mathematical & Physical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Mr Marco Sabatini, Dept of Chemistry
"Catalytic Amide Bond Formation: A more Sustainable and Inexpensive way to manufacture Pharmaceuticals"

Runners-up (£100 each)

Ms Hanah Alzahrani, Dept of Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering
"A Treatment Planning Comparison of Scanned Proton Beams Versus Scattered Proton Beams"

Miss Georgina Graham, Dept of Space & Climate Physics
"The Evolution of Solar Wind Electron Beams: Observations en-route to Saturn"

Mr Nishesh Jain, Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources
"Performance Contracting and ‘Total Performance’ of Low Carbon Buildings: Lessons from a Case Study in the UK"

Brain Sciences & Life Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Miss Natalie Kirkland, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology
"The Regulation of Mitosis in Complex Epithelial Structures"

Runners-up (£100 each)

Miss Tatiana Solovieva, Dept of Cell and Developmental Biology
"Organizers in Development: Is Hensen's Node a Stem Cell Niche?"

Miss Joanna Lau, Dept of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology
"Premotor population codes controlling elementary motor behaviours"

Miss Sijia Zhao, Ear Institute
"Eye metrics – a measure of auditory distraction?"

2017 Research Poster Competition Winners
2017 Research Poster Competition Winners with Prof. David Bogle Vice-Pro-Provost of the Doctoral School.


The Doctoral School would like to thank the following who acted as judges:

Arts & Humanities, Institute of Education, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

– Dr Richard Freeman, Institute of Education (Chair)
– Dr Lee Grieveson, Dept of English Language and Literature
– Dr Christine Han, Institute of Education
– Dr Ulrike Sommer, Institute of Archaeology

Built Environment, Engineering Sciences,
Mathematical & Physical Sciences

– Prof Tom Fearn, Dept of Statistical Science (Chair)
– Dr Helen Bennion, Dept of Geography
– Dr Taku Fujiyama, Dept of Civil Environmental & Geomatic Engineering
– Dr Daisuke Kawata, Dept of Space & Climate Physics
– Prof. Lazaros Papageorgiou, Dept of Chemical Engineering


Brain Sciences & Life Sciences

– Prof. Kaila Srai, Dept of Structural & Molecular Biology (Chair)
– Dr Sally Dawson, Ear Institute
– Prof. Kirsten Harvey, School of Pharmacy
– Dr Leun Otten, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience

Medical Sciences & Population Health Sciences

– Dr Andrew Stoker, GOS Institute of Child Heath (Chair)
– Prof. Allan Hackshaw, CRUK Cancer Trials Centre
– Dr Maria Kambouri, Institute of Education
– Dr Vivek Mudera, Division of Surgery & Interventional Sciences
– Dr Sioban Sen Gupta, Institute of Women's Health
– Dr Claire Thorne, GOS Institute of Child Health

Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact docschoolweb@ucl.ac.uk.