UCL Graduate School Review Competition 2014
This competition was conceived as complementary to the Graduate School Poster Competition and was open to UCL graduate research students currently enrolled in the Faculties of Arts and Humanities, Laws or Social and Historical Sciences.
The reviews entered must be of publishable quality, in other words be worthy of publication in a major academic journal or magazine or a review or newspaper, and evaluate one of the following:
- an academic book focussing on a subject or issue in the arts and humanities, or laws, or the social and historical sciences,
- a work of art,
- a literary work,
- an exhibition,
- a film,
- a TV programme,
- a cultural event,
or take the form of a literature review designed for a non-specialised audience which outlines the current state of play in a clearly defined intellectual field or inquiry.
The following types of review are eligible: (a) unpublished, (b) in press, or (c) already published.