
Miss Min-jung Woo
Slade School of Fine Art
jamais vu
For the photographers, 'seeing' is like recording of the observer who is standing on the border between changes of the world. The emergence of the image over the border, that is re-read and visualized is the artistic gesture. Nowadays, the phenomenon which the city is visualized and controlled by capital and economy is considered to be common in the capitalism society and this city is the spectacle space consisting of multi-dimensions, density, speed, immensity and integration. To think about the word as the space itself, the space that we live in is organized to arouse user's reaction and furthermore. The whole-sales market, known as the representation of capitalism's consuming culture, is the space purposely intended for the users to come in contact often in daily-lives. However, there was a realization that it could also give out different aspect from the ordinary one, communicating with the space. With this sudden but particular realization, I tried to analyze this shopping space (whole-sales market) in completely new perspective. To take the photograph of these shopping spaces (whole-sales market), disposed with the products, means to re-arrange them on the screen by visualizing the unexpected new space with the photograph. In other words, it could be described as re-emerging the unrealistic feeling just like 'aura '.
All images and text copyright their artist/author and MAY NOT be used for any purposes without the express permission of the original artist/author. All Rights Reserved, 2012.