UCL Graduate School Review Competition 2011
The competition was conceived as complementary to the Graduate School Poster Competition and was open to UCL graduate research students currently enrolled in the following faculties:
- · Arts & Humanities
- · Laws
- · Social & Historical Sciences
All reviews submitted by the deadline were assessed by a panel composed of UCL academics and postgraduate students. Each review was judged on its intellectual merits rather than on whether or not it had been published.

First Prize (£400)
Matthew Ingleby, Dept of English Language & Literature
Murder on the Orient Express – ITV1 Christmas Day 2010 9pmSecond Prize (£200)
Harriet Hulme, Dept of French
Looking beyond the masks: Bernardo Atxaga%s ObabakoakThird Prize (£100)
Rona Cran, Dept of English Language & Literature
'a body in pieces': William Burroughs and the Torso Murderer – A Lecture by Oliver Harris
Winning entries will be published in Opticon 1826.
The Graduate School would like to thank the following who acted as judges:
- Professor Stephen Hart, Vice-Head of the Graduate School and Dept of Spanish & Latin American Studies (Chair)
- Professor Nicola Miller, Dept of History
- Ms Yi Ling Huang, PhD student, Dept of English Language & Literature, Editor-in-Chief, Opticon 1826
- Ms Marlies Gabriele Prinzl, PhD student, Dept of Dutch, Editor of Opticon 1826
Competition Guidelines
The review shall ideally take the form of a review of publishable quality which evaluates an academic book focussing on a subject or issue in the arts and humanities, or laws, or the social and historical sciences; or which evaluates a work of art; or a literary work; or an exhibition; or a film; or a TV programme; or a cultural event. Alternatively the review may take the form of a literature review designed for a non-specialised audience which outlines the current state of play in a clearly defined intellectual field of inquiry. Publishable here is understood to mean 'worthy of publication in a major academic journal or a magazine or a review or a newspaper'. The following types of review are eligible: (a) unpublished, (b) in press, or (c) already published.
Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact docschoolweb@ucl.ac.uk.