UCL Graduate School Research Poster Competition 2010/11

Research Poster Competition 2011

On 28th February and 1st March 2011, we ran a Research Poster Competition which offered graduate students an opportunity to meet, advertise and discuss the innovative research they are undertaking, thereby providing them with an opportunity to raise the profile of their research.

The exhibition attracted interest among academics and other graduate students. Entries were displayed in the North & South Cloisters.

Overall 233 students registered for this year's Research Poster Competition (Arts & Humanities, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences – 16; Built Environment, Engineering Sciences, Mathematical & Physical Sciences – 81; Biomedical Sciences – 89, and Life Sciences – 47).

Thanks to all the students who entered.


Arts & Humanities, Institute of Education, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Marie Joyce Datiles, Department of Greek & Latin
"Digital History, Digital Heroes: The Battle of Thermopylae in Novel and Film"

Runners-up (£100)

Ruth Fillery-Travis , Institute of Archaeology
"Significant Others? Returning meaning to metal-detected objects through chemical analysis"

Luca Marazzi, Department of Geography
"Algae in the Okavango Delta: investigating the invisible life"

Built Environment, Engineering Sciences,
Mathematical & Physical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Mona Hess, Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering
"Niabara – the Western Solomon Islands War Canoe at the British Museum. 3D documentation, virtual reconstruction and digital repatriation."

Runners-up (£100 each)

Amon Boontore, CASA (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
"Urban Form and Distance Travelled"

Alejandro Giacometti, Department of Medical Physics & Bioengineering
"Multi-spectral Image Processing Methods for Analysing Ancient Documents"

Kate Littler, Department of Earth Sciences
"A lithology effect on the TEX86 palaeotemperature proxy"

Robert Thompson, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
"AFM study of the surface of evolution of Rubrene"

Biomedical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Alastair Copland, Division of Infection & Immunity
"Neisseria meningitidis Type B Suppresses Immune Function in Human Cells"

Runners-up (£100 each)

Michael Baron, Institute of Child Health
"Insights into cone development for transplantation therapy"

Ya-Ting Han, Institute of Child Health
"Transcriptome analysis and cell surface molecules for photoreceptor precursor cells"

Sarwat Rizvi, Division of Surgery and Interventional Sciences
"Near Infra Red Quantum Dots for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy"

Life Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Helen Moore, Department of Cell & Developmental Biology
"Light responsiveness and circadian rhythmicity of the zebrafish brain"

Second Prize (£200)

Lamya Al-Haj, Department of Structural & Molecular Biology
"Development of advanced genetic engineering tools for Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803"

Laura Cornelissen, Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology
"A Randomised Controlled Trial of Analgesic Efficacy in Newborn Infants Using Quantitative Neurophysiological Outcome Measures: Oral Sucrose"

Felix Schumacher, Institute of Structural & Molecular Biology
"Functionalisation of Disulfide Bonds with Maleimides"

Poster Competition 2011 - Winners
2011 Poster Competition Winners


The Graduate School would like to thank the following who acted as judges:

Arts & Humanities, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

– Prof Stephen Hart, Vice-Head of the Graduate School and Dept of Spanish & Latin American Studies (Chair)
– Prof Tim Mathews, Dept of French

Built Environment, Engineering Sciences,
Mathematical & Physical Sciences

– Prof Tom Fearn, Dept of Statistical Science (Chair)
– Dr Chiara Ambrosio, Dept of Science and Technology Studies
– Dr Gary Royle, Dept of Medical Physics and Bioengineering
– Prof Philip Steadman, Bartlett School of Graduate Studies
– Prof Jonathan Tennyson, Dept of Physics & Astronomy


Biomedical Sciences

– Prof Vince Emery, Vice-Head of the Graduate School and Division of Infection and Immunity (Chair)
– Dr Ann Griffin, Division of Medical Education
– Dr Vivek Mudera, Division of Surgery and Intervention Sciences
– Prof David Muller, Institute of Child Health
– Dr David Spratt, Faculty Graduate Tutor, Biomedical Sciences, Eastman Dental Institute

Life Sciences

– Prof Chris Danpure, Vice-Head of the Graduate School and Faculty Graduate Tutor: Life Sciences (Chair)
– Dr Snezana Djordjevic, Division of Biosciences
– Prof Kate Jeffery, Dept of Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences
– Prof Max Telford, Dept of Genetics, Evolution and Environment


Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact docschoolweb@ucl.ac.uk.