UCL Graduate School Research Poster Competition 2008

Research Poster Competition 2008

On 6 – 7 March 2008, we ran a Research Poster Competition which offered graduate students an opportunity to meet, advertise and discuss the innovative research they are undertaking, thereby providing them with an opportunity to raise the profile of their research.

The exhibition attracted interest among academics and other graduate students. Entries were displayed in the North & South Cloisters.

Overall 197 students registered for this year's Poster Competition (Arts & Humanities, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences – 15; Built Environment, Engineering, Mathematical & Physical Sciences – 87; Biomedical Sciences – 78; Life Sciences – 17).

Thanks to all the students who entered.


Arts & Humanities, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Andrew King, Anthropology
Producer-Scrounger Games in Baboons

Runners-up (£100 each)

Alaina Schmisseur, Institute of Archaeology
Guardian Earth: Conservation Experimentation in Archaeological Site Reburial

Hang Kei Ho, Geography
Hong Kong 1967, 1997 and 2047: Exploring its Identity Crisis through Popular Culture

Built Environment, Engineering,
Mathematical & Physical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Shaun Thomas, Physics & Astronomy
Probing Extra Dimensions with images of Distant Galaxies

Runners-up (£100 each)

Emma-Louise Nicholls, Earth Sciences
Sharks! Uncovering their past to preserve their future

Xueni Pan, Computer Science
Expressing Complex Mental States through Facial Expressions

Carolyn Atkins, Physics & Astronomy
Smart x-ray optics, focussing in on the next generation of x-ray telescopes

2008 Competition Winners
2008 Competition Winners
Biomedical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Konstantina Psachoulia , Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
The life of an oligodendrocyte progenitor

Runners-up (£100 each)

Summer Hawkins , Institute of Child Health
Does the environment influence obesity in preschool children and their mothers?

Shun-Kai Chan, Institute of Child Health
Modeling fetal programming in a dish: from nephrogenesis to cystic kidneys

Amy Hansen, Cancer Institute
Investigating Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus microRNA function

Rayomand Khambata, Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
C-type natriuretic peptide promotes endothelial cell proliferation: Identification of the signalling pathway and downstream targets

Life Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Madeleine Verriotis, Psychology
Three-dimensional properties of hippocampal CA1 cells

Runners-up (£100 each)

Curtis Asante, Pharmacology
Local MRNA Translation at the spinal level in a rat model of chronic neuropathic pain

Carlos Esteban Payan, Biology
The role of human attitudes to big cat conservation: Colombia as a tropical example

Omar Rota-Stabelli, Biology
Darling, where did you put my millipedes? Prolematica in the arthropod tree of life

Winners are contacted by Professor Steve Miller from Science and Technology Studies with an invitation to take part in his Poster Presentation Workshop.


The Graduate School would like to thank the following who acted as judges:

Arts & Humanities, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

– Dr Tom Gretton, Dept of History of Art (Chair)
– Dr Eleanor Chiari, Dept of Italian

Built Environment, Engineering, Mathematical & Physical Sciences

– Dr Tony Harker, Dept of Physics & Astronomy (Chair)
– Professor Mike Ewing, Dept of Chemistry
– Marco Federighi, Dept of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
– Caren Levy, Development Planning Unit, Bartlett
– Professor Steve Miller, Dept of Science and Technology Studies


Biomedical Sciences

– Professor Vince Emery, Vice-Head, Graduate School and Dept of Virology (Chair)
– Professor Benny Chain, Dept of Immunology & Molecular Pathology
– Dr Yvonne Kelly, Dept of Epidemiology and Public Health
– Dr Vivek Mudera, Institute of Orthopaedics & Musculoskeletal Science
– Dr David Spratt, Eastman Dental Institute

Life Sciences

– Professor David Attwell, Vice-Head, Graduate School and Dept of Physiology (Chair)
– Professor Tony Dickenson, Dept of Pharmacology
– Professor Paul Driscoll, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
– Professor Jane Maxim, Dept of Human Communication Science
– Professor Bill Richardson, Dept of Biology


Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact docschoolweb@ucl.ac.uk.