In March 2005, we ran a review writing competition, created with graduate research students in the Arts & Humanities, Laws and Social & Historical Sciences faculties in mind. It was conceived as an alternative to the Graduate School Poster Competition, which is not necessarily appropriate for students in these faculties. The two competitions took place on the same day.
Graduates were invited to write a review which was judged by a panel of UCL academics. Submissions were printed on A3 card and displayed alongside entries for the Poster Competition.
It was hoped that this competition would have a wide appeal, since it asked students to engage with material with which they might already be involved whether at the level of their research or their personal interests; either way, material related to their subject area. Writing such a review might also help students prepare for the process of getting their work published, whether in review form or in the form of longer articles.
The Graduate School would like to thank the following who acted as judges:
› Professor Tim Mathews, Vice-Head, Graduate School & Dept of French
› Dr Penny Florence, Slade School of Fine Art
› Dr Chris Pinney, Dept of Anthropology
› Professor Rene Weis, Dept of English
Joint Winners (£150 each)
Competition Winners
Howard Peacock, Philosphy "Introducing Postmodernism"
Maria Petrides, French "Bruce Nauman says it again!"
Pei-Suin Ng, Italian "Slow-Dancing with memory: a review of Wong Kar-Wai's 2046"
Eli Sorensen, French "The Borderland of Beginnings"
Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact