UCL Graduate School Poster Competition 2005

In March 2005, we ran a Research Poster Competition which offered graduate students an opportunity to meet, advertise and discuss the innovative research they are undertaking, thereby providing them with an opportunity to raise the profile of their research.

Posters were displayed in the North and South Cloisters. The exhibition attracted interest among academics and other graduate students.


The Graduate School would like to thank the following who acted as judges:

Arts & Humanities, Laws and Social & Historical Sciences
· Prof Tim Mathews, Chair
· Dr Briony Fer

Built Environment, Engineering and MAPS
· Prof David Bogle, Chair
· Prof Helen Fielding
· Prof Andrew Fisher
· Prof John McArthur
· Prof Philip Steadman

Clinical Sciences
· Prof Vince Emery, Chair
· Prof Benny Chain
· Prof Trisha Greenhalgh
· Prof Jonathan Knowles
· Dr Vivek Mudera

Life Sciences
· Prof David Attwell, Chair
· Prof Chris Danpure
· Prof Tony Dickenson
· Prof Mike Evans
· Prof Jane Maxim


Arts & Humanities, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

Overall Winner (£400)

Anna Hoare, Dept of Anthropology
"Forms and meanings of mobility in Irish Traveller culture"

Runners-up (£100 each)

Marcos Martinon-Torres, Institute of Archaeology
"A 16th century lab in a 21st century lab: Exploring the secrets of alchemy using archaeometry"

Samantha Worby, Dept of History
"Kinship in Thirteenth-Century England: Consanguinity and the Common Law"

Built Environment, Engineering and MAPS

Overall Winner (£400)

J. Miguel Mora Fonz, Dept of Chemistry
"Computational Studies of Nucleation and Growth of Silicate Species"

Runners-Up (£100 each)

Iza Aftab, Bartlett
"The Pedestrian Maze – Social Housing Estates in London's East End"

Tim Carter, Dept of Medical Physics & Bioengineering
"Spatial Correspondence in the Treatment of Breast Cancer"

Mark Westmoquette, Dept of Physics & Astronomy
"Revealing the Complex Structure of the M82 Superwind"

  • ALS Winners 2005
    ALS Competition Winners
  • EMB Winners 2005
    EMB Compeition Winners
Clinical Sciences

Overall Winner (£400)

Sonja Vujovic, Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
"Patterns of gene expression and novel factors involved in cartilage development identified through transcriptional analysis of MSC chondrogenesis"

Runner-up (£100 each)

Robin Johns, Dept of Medicine
"Protection from Bleomycin-induced Lung Injury in the Absence of PAR1 Signaling"

Lynne Spackman, Institute of Child Health
"Haptic memory"

Hamid Hashemi, Institute of Child Health
"Investigating the role of PTP-gamma & PTP-sigma in the Development of the spinal cord through RNA interference"

Mark Kristiansen, Institute of Neurology
"PrPSc, but not cytosolic aggregated PrPC, forms apoptosis-inducing aggresomes in neuronal cells"

Life Sciences

Overall Winner (£400)

Mary Pearce, Dept of Phonetics & Linguistics
"Getting into a flap: Is the labiodental flap a phoneme in Kera?"

Runner-up (£100 each)

Jan Engelstaedter, Dept of Biology
"Survival of the Wickedest?"

Eleonora Jovceva, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
"Functional Proteomic Analysis of PI3K Signalling"

Pall Jonsson, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
"Structural context of exons in protein domains"

Clinical Scs Competition Winners
Clinical Scs Competition Winners
Life Scs Competition Winners
Life Scs Competition Winners

Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact docschoolweb@ucl.ac.uk.