UCL Graduate School Poster Competition 2006

Research Poster Competition 2006

8 – 9 March 2006, we ran a Research Poster Competition which offered graduate students an opportunity to meet, advertise and discuss the innovative research they are undertaking, thereby providing them with an opportunity to raise the profile of their research.

The exhibition attracted interest among academics and other graduate students. Posters were displayed in the North & South Cloisters.

Overall 199 students registered for this year's Poster Competition (Arts & Humanities, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences – 14, Built Environment, Engineering, MAPS – 81, Clinical Sciences – 77, Life Sciences – 27).

Thanks to all the students who entered.


Arts & Humanities, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Andrew King, Anthropology
Leadership and decision-making in desert baboons

Runners-up (£100 each)

Genevieve Madgwick, Geography
Long term changes in aquatic plant communities in the West Midland meres and the Norfolk Broads

Mads Nielsen, Institute of Archaeology
Finding the past in the present

Built Environment, Engineering Sciences, MAPS

First Prize (£400)

Tom Dunkley Jones, Earth Sciences
Rapid Climate Change and Primary Production in the Oceans

Runners-up (£100 each)

Mauren Abreu De Souza , Medical Physics & Bioengineering
Developing photogrammetric methods for acquiring realistic head surface models of newborn

Tim Carter, Medical Physics & Bioengineering
Registration of breast MR images acquired in supine and prone positions

Kai Yip Wong, Computer Science
System for simulating dynamic features of crowd behaviour

Clinical Sciences

First Prize (£400)

Ezat Sajedi, Institute of Child Health
Role of the homeobox gene Hesx1 in forebrain and pituitary development in mouse and human

Runners-up (£100 each)

Arjune Sen, Institute of Neurology
Molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in refractory human epileps"

Richard Vart - Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research

Giada Mattiuzzo, Immunology & Molecular Pathology
"PERV-A receptors: determinants of host range"

Life Sciences

Joint First Prize (£250)

Ede Rancz, Physiology
Dendritic information processing and endogenous cannabinoids

Allan Ponniah, Anatomy & Developmental Biology
Making People Beautiful (Reconstructing Asymmetrical Faces)

Runners-up (£100 each)

Lucy Bee, Pharmacology
An in vivo electrophysiology study of the role of descending RVM neurones in spinal processing

Samantha Easton, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Uncovering the Oral Metagenome


The Graduate School would like to thank the following who acted as judges:

Arts & Humanities, Laws, Social & Historical Sciences

– Professor Tim Mathews, Vice-Head, GS and Dept of French

Built Environment, Engineering and MAPS

– Professor Philip Steadman, Bartlett School of Graduate Studies
– Dr Marco Federighi, Dept of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
– Professor Helen Fielding, Dept of Chemistry
– Dr Tony Harker, Dept of Physics & Astronomy
– Professor Steve Miller, Dept of Science & Technology Studies


Clinical Sciences

– Professor Vince Emery, Vice-Head, GS and Dept of Virology
– Professor Christine Kinnon, Institute of Child Health
– Dr Vivek Mudera, Institute of Orthopaedics & Musculoskeletal Science
– Dr Rachel Chambers, Dept of Medicine

Life Sciences

– Professor Chris Danpure, Dept of Biology
– Professor Tony Dickenson, Dept of Pharmacology
– Professor Jane Maxim, Dept of Human Communication Science
– Professor Andrew Pomiankowski, CoMPLEX

Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact docschoolweb@ucl.ac.uk.