Research Images as Art / Art Images as Research
Cross-Disciplinary Competition/Exhibition 2003/2004
The Graduate School would like to thank everyone for entering our competition. We've had good feedback and certainly had fun organising the event.
Overall first prize (£250)
Stephen Nesbitt, Medicine
Osteoclasts with Alien Hands -
Runner-Up (£100)
Mr Aaron Hunter, Earth Sciences
After the Storm -
Runner-Up (£100)
Simon Pericich, Slade School of Fine Art
Painting #1
Runner-Up (£100)
Libby Sheldon, History of Art
Medieval mind-changing? -
Runner-Up (£100)
Alan Todd, Mechanical Engineering
Broken -
Runner-Up (£100)
Charis Chi Man Tsang, Bartlett School of Architecture
Droplets (iii)
The People's Choice Prize
Kei Joe Leong, Eastman Dental Institute
Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact