UCL Graduate School Poster Competition 2001



Arts & Humanities, Social & Historical Sciences, Laws

Giorgio Riello, Dept of History
"A foot in the past: shoes and gender in the eighteenth century"

Engineering, Mathematical & Physical Sciences & The Built Environment

Artem Oganov, Dept of Geological Sciences
"Ab initio thermoelasticity of MgSiO3 perovskite: towards interpreting seismic tomography"

Clinical Sciences

Robert Keynes, Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
"A stroke in a dish?"

Life Sciences

Claire Grant, Dept of Biology
"The effect of female body size on reproductive success and male spermatophore allocation in a stalk-eyed fly""


Arts & Humanities, Social & Historical Sciences, Laws

Mark Fenemore, Dept of German
"Rowdyism and Rock'n'Roll: Youth subcultures in the German Democratic Republic"

Francesca Zardini, Dept of Greek & Latin
"The Myth of Herakles and Kyknos"

William Harcourt-Smith, Dept of Anthropology
"Investigating the Evolution of Human Bipedalism: A Geometric Morphometric Analysis of the Hominoid Foot"

Engineering, Mathematical & Physical Sciences & The Built Environment

Geoff Goss, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
"Experiments on snap buckling, hysteresis and loop formation in twisted rods"

Robin Mukerji, Dept of Chemistry
"Infrared studies of adsorption at very low temperatures"

Clare Jenner, Dept of Physics & Astronomy
"Galaxy and structure formationv in the distant universe"

Clinical Sciences

Antonia Hamilton, Institute of Neurology
"The source of noise in force production"

Helen Rudge, Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
"Break-out (or is that outbreak?). The role of alkaline nuclease in herpes virus infection"

Alasdair Stewart, Dept of Medicine
"Localisation of the amino-terminal domain of FAK at epithelial cell-cell contacts is independent of tyrosine 397"

Life Sciences

Emily Dyson, Dept of Biology
"Evidence that male-killers have a hidden benefit"

Tiziano Scarabelli, MRC Lab for Molecular & Cell Biology
"The role of endothelial cells in the course of ischaemia-reperfusion injury: can they really commit myocytes to suicide?"

Steve Hurley, Dept of Biology
"The biology of slow sand filters"

Thanks to the Judges!

  •  Prof Leslie Aiello, Anthropology
  •  Prof Peter Wood, Geography
  •  Dr Polina Bayvel, Electronic and Electrical Engineering
  •  Prof Dave Delpy, Medical Physics and Bioengineering
  •  Prof Alan Lord, Geological Sciences
  •  Prof Philip Tabor, The Bartlett School
  •  Prof Peter Mobbs, Physiology
  •  Prof Tony Dickenson, Pharmacology
  •  Prof Claudio Stern, Anatomy and Developmental Biology
  •  Prof Malcolm Turner, Institute of Child Health
  •  Prof Richard Frackowiak, Institute of Neurology
  •  Prof Humphrey Hodgson, Medicine, Royal Free Campus
  •  Prof Geoff Laurent, Medicine, Gower St Campus
  •  Prof Stephan Strobel, Institute of Child Health

Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact docschoolweb@ucl.ac.uk.