UCL Graduate School Poster Competition 2001
Arts & Humanities, Social & Historical Sciences, Laws
Giorgio Riello, Dept of History
"A foot in the past: shoes and gender in the eighteenth century"
Engineering, Mathematical & Physical Sciences & The Built Environment
Artem Oganov, Dept of Geological Sciences
"Ab initio thermoelasticity of MgSiO3 perovskite: towards interpreting seismic tomography"
Clinical Sciences
Robert Keynes, Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
"A stroke in a dish?"
Life Sciences
Claire Grant, Dept of Biology
"The effect of female body size on reproductive success and male spermatophore allocation in a stalk-eyed fly""
Arts & Humanities, Social & Historical Sciences, Laws
Mark Fenemore, Dept of German
"Rowdyism and Rock'n'Roll: Youth subcultures in the German Democratic Republic"Francesca Zardini, Dept of Greek & Latin
"The Myth of Herakles and Kyknos"William Harcourt-Smith, Dept of Anthropology
"Investigating the Evolution of Human Bipedalism: A Geometric Morphometric Analysis of the Hominoid Foot"
Engineering, Mathematical & Physical Sciences & The Built Environment
Geoff Goss, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
"Experiments on snap buckling, hysteresis and loop formation in twisted rods"Robin Mukerji, Dept of Chemistry
"Infrared studies of adsorption at very low temperatures"Clare Jenner, Dept of Physics & Astronomy
"Galaxy and structure formationv in the distant universe"
Clinical Sciences
Antonia Hamilton, Institute of Neurology
"The source of noise in force production"Helen Rudge, Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
"Break-out (or is that outbreak?). The role of alkaline nuclease in herpes virus infection"Alasdair Stewart, Dept of Medicine
"Localisation of the amino-terminal domain of FAK at epithelial cell-cell contacts is independent of tyrosine 397"
Life Sciences
Emily Dyson, Dept of Biology
"Evidence that male-killers have a hidden benefit"Tiziano Scarabelli, MRC Lab for Molecular & Cell Biology
"The role of endothelial cells in the course of ischaemia-reperfusion injury: can they really commit myocytes to suicide?"Steve Hurley, Dept of Biology
"The biology of slow sand filters"
Thanks to the Judges!
- Prof Leslie Aiello, Anthropology
- Prof Peter Wood, Geography
- Dr Polina Bayvel, Electronic and Electrical Engineering
- Prof Dave Delpy, Medical Physics and Bioengineering
- Prof Alan Lord, Geological Sciences
- Prof Philip Tabor, The Bartlett School
- Prof Peter Mobbs, Physiology
- Prof Tony Dickenson, Pharmacology
- Prof Claudio Stern, Anatomy and Developmental Biology
- Prof Malcolm Turner, Institute of Child Health
- Prof Richard Frackowiak, Institute of Neurology
- Prof Humphrey Hodgson, Medicine, Royal Free Campus
- Prof Geoff Laurent, Medicine, Gower St Campus
- Prof Stephan Strobel, Institute of Child Health
Our competition pages contains details of the entrants. Should you wish your details to be removed, please contact docschoolweb@ucl.ac.uk.