Research Images as Art / Art Images as Research

Cross-Disciplinary Competition / Exhibition 2018/2019

The Doctoral School is pleased to announce the annual “Research Images as Art / Art Images as Research” Competition/Exhibition, open to all current*) UCL graduate students and academic staff, either science or arts based. Entrants are invited to submit images associated with their research which have aesthetic appeal.

A panel of judges will review all entries and select the best 100 for the exhibition. The winning images will then be announced at the prize-giving reception on Thursday 25 April 2019.

The ‘Best 100’ images will be displayed in the South Cloisters, Wilkins Building, Gower St from Tuesday 23 April until the afternoon of Friday 3 May 2019. Visitors will be able to vote for the “People's Choice Prize”.

All entries will feature in the online gallery on the Doctoral School website. View winners of last year's competition and a gallery of all entries.


First Prize – £400
Six Runners-up Prizes – £200 each
The People's Choice Prize – £100 Waterstone's Token

The PRIZE-GIVING RECEPTION will take place on:

Thursday 25 April 2019, venue TBC


23 April – 3 May 2019

South Cloisters, Wilkins Building, Gower St

*) Please note that only currently enrolled students are eligible to enter the competition.


The winning images are selected by the panel on the basis of their aesthetic appeal, the nature of their subject matter and technical quality. The panel is particularly interested in images that affect a transformation in the eye of the viewer in translating or communicating the subject that they portray, which have the potential to alter the way that we view the world.

The following rules apply:

  • images must be generated as a result of research work carried out at UCL
  • images need not be new, but should not be older than one year
  • submissions can be in the form of digital images, high-quality prints or original artwork
  • digital images must be submitted in one of the following formats: JPEG, TIFF, PNG or GIF
  • we cannot accept hard copy entries larger than A1
  • we cannot accept sculptures, objects or pictures behind glass/perspex or in heavy frame
  • we cannot accept video clips or animations that require a video projector or tv screen
  • all entries must be accompanied by an entry form (see details below)
  • up to 3 entries per person may be submitted (each with a separate entry form)
  • images have to be sent/delivered to us no later than two days after submitting your entry form/s and before the deadline of Sunday 3 March 2019.

Queries – please contact

[ Slideshow images: Miss Nuomi Rubbra, Bartlett School of Architecture; Miss Alexandra Petrache, UCL School of Pharmacy; Miss Emma-kate Matthews, Bartlett School of Architecture; Miss Eleonora Zucchelli, Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health; Mr Gang Mao, Bartlett School of Architecture]

Deadline for entries: Sunday 3 March 2019

IMPORTANT: Please read the Guidlines above before entering the competition.